Case Study
June 3, 2020

Joseph Digital Solutions & ENOC: A Journey into Futuristic Customer Experience


In an era where technology has transformed the way brands interact with their customers, Joseph Digital Solutions (JDS), a subsidiary of the Joseph Group, has taken a pioneering role in creating a state-of-the-art digital customer experience. They embarked on a journey with ENOC, a leading fuel retailer in the UAE, to redefine the customer service landscape in fuel stations by implementing digital signages across multiple fuel stations in Dubai. This strategic partnership has elevated the ENOC brand to new heights, integrating technology into customer interactions and creating a brand experience that's both modern and customer-centric​.


JDS's digital signage solutions have been successfully implemented in 25 ENOC stations across the UAE, marking a significant transformation of the customer experience at these fuel stations. But the journey does not end here. More branches across Dubai are set to receive these digital upgrades, reflecting JDS's ongoing commitment to deliver optimized digital signage solutions to its clients, and continuing to push the envelope of what's possible in customer experience​.

ENOC Expo 2020 Future Mobility Station

Pushing the boundaries of innovation, JDS also played a significant role in the design and implementation of the ENOC Future Mobility Station for Dubai Expo 2020. This service station, the first in the region to receive a LEED platinum certification, showcases a futuristic vision of what a petrol station can be. The project employed principles from biomimicry, designing and producing materials that mimic biological entities. The design, inspired by the UAE's traditions, specifically the national Ghaf tree, a symbol of sustainability, presents a harmonious blend of cultural heritage and forward-thinking design. JDS's role in this project involved façade development and manufacturing, contributing to the station's stunning visual appeal and sustainable ethos​​.

Technologies and Services

These outdoor LED screens not only offer high visibility and defined clarity but also serve as an ideal platform for advertising, significantly enhancing the customer experience. The customized pelmet LEDs, featuring a modular design, add a distinct visual appeal to the c-stores, augmenting the customer experience. Despite being environment-friendly and consuming less power, these LEDs do not compromise on quality, exemplifying JDS's commitment to sustainable and efficient design solutions​
JDS's work with ENOC showcased a range of customized digital solutions, demonstrating their expertise in creating unique, customer-focused experiences. The implemented solutions include outdoor LED screens for forecourt canopy columns and Zoom c-stores, each measuring 200cm by 200cm, at branches in Al Barsha and Wadi Al Safa. Simultaneously, they designed internal screens in the form of pelmet LEDs for Zoom c-stores, spanning a length of 32 meters, and screens for waiting areas in AutoPro stores, measuring 3 meters in length​.
The Result
The collaborative efforts between JDS and ENOC have resulted in a remarkable transformation of the customer journey in fuel stations. By harnessing the power of digital technologies, they have redefined how customers perceive and interact with the ENOC brand, making it more visual, interactive, and customer-centric. The creation of the ENOC Future Mobility Station, with its futuristic design and focus on sustainability, further underscores this commitment to innovation and customer engagement. As such, these projects serve as a testament to JDS's expertise in providing optimized digital solutions and its capacity to reshape customer experiences through technology, setting a new benchmark in the industry.

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